Wednesday, July 1, 2015

First weeks

Mosquito nets for sleeping 
Our landlady has two puppies...just a few weeks old.

The first weeks here have been great. We have been going in service every day and the congregation completed the entire city with the tract for the regional convention, which is this weekend. 
The brothers and sisters here are extremely nice and go out of their way to help. Since there are only 23 brothers and sisters here they are a close group like a family. They were very warm and welcoming. 

This is where we are staying.

We have gotten to do the cart witnessing several times at the bus stop. They call it the "coche."
One day we were manning the cart for the morning. A man came and sat down on the curb directly in front of us by the cart. He appeared to be very strong and healthy. We talked for a while and then he began taking books and magazines one at a time and reading articles out loud to us and discussing them with us. This went on for a long time. He began telling us that he was very sick. We eventually ascertained that he has HIV. He said it was because he had led an immoral life, but that he wanted better for his life. I asked him if he thought the bible can change lives. He said yes. I told him about the meetings and he said he would be at the next one. We will pray for him and hope to see him soon.

There is only one elder here in Cojimies so he is a very busy man. He also has a wife and little girl, as well as one on the way. He is very happy to work hard for Jehovah. Everyone here in town knows him, since he has always lived here. Almost every door we go to they ask us if we know Panchito. He has a really good reputation here in the town and surrounding area.

To go to the rural territory, we took a bus for 20 minutes and then walked another 20 minutes. They have several bible studies there, even though most of the people cannot read. They treasure the bible and it's message.

On Sunday's the congregation gets together and plays futbol on the beach. It's fun to play...they love to laugh at us! But it's all in good fun. Afterwards they have some food and dance.

Tomorrow we are going with them to Santo Domingo to clean the assembly hall for the convention. 
It's a two hour drive both ways. We are not going to the convention in Spanish, we are waiting a few more weeks for the one in English.
More pictures later of service and such...still figuring out how blog works!😄
Love to all back home😘


  1. So glad you're having a rewarding visit!!

  2. Sounds AMAZING!! I'm jealous! :-) And tell Rhiannon I love her new puppy! :-)

    Miss ya'll!

  3. "coche"? Que quiere decir? as in 'car'?
    Pretty cool that the have a witnessing cart way up there, who are the usual takers?
    Are you better at the dancing than you are at futbol?

    1. For the most part the locals seem used to the cart. We wondered if the interest shown while we manned it was because of the new faces.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice to hear how things are going.
