Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Green olives

So now I know how the Survivor contestants feel when they get food. I am seriously starting to miss food from home. Since this is such a small town the little tiendas carry only the basics like eggs, rice, noodles and limited veggies and fruit. We bought hot dogs one night and we had hot dog stir fry which is a first. There is an open air meat place which We were scared to try at first, but after eating eggs and rice for four meals in a row, we decided to buy a chicken and boil it down for soup. It came with the feet. Not sure what to do with those yet. Found out when we bought the chicken that they are kept in a small refrigerator thing so we are okay with it now. We now take the bus for a half hour to a bigger town that has a supermarket with a wider variety of food. I have never been so happy to see a bottle of green olives in my life. It's the little things.
On Thursday, we went with 10 people and two large suitcases in a 7 passenger vehicle to Santo Domingo where the assembly hall is located. We went there to help clean for the regional convention. We thought we would be sweeping the auditorium or cleaning bathrooms. When we got there we were given the assignment of cleaning the parking lot after they had cut down huge branches off of the trees.
Here is the parking lot after we were done. We forgot to take a before picture since we got right to work and it was pouring rain.
Here is the beautiful baptism area.
On the way home we saw an animal in the road. It was moving in a strange way and we thought it had been hit and was trying to move. But when we got closer we saw that it was a Sloth (Perezoso)!! It was trying to cross the road. Very cool to see! We stopped to eat on the side of the road and went back to get a picture of the sloth, but by then someone had helped it back into the jungle.
We have been enjoying the beach. There are hundreds of sand dollars (Estrellas del mar) every time we go out. We also saw a Sea turtle shell washed up on the beach. The tides here are strange and we can't figure them out yet. 
Love to all back home😘


  1. Hi guys! It's Avian. I haven't looked at anything on your blog until today, but I'm so glad I did! Everything looks and sounds amazing. It looks like you're staying very busy and having a lot of fun. I'm so happy that we get to hear about everything you're doing as you're doing it. I hope things continue to go well for you. It makes me so happy to see you doing what you're doing. Looking forward to future postings! Love you guys!

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  3. My grandpa used to boil the chicken feet and then eat them. I was wondering if Rhiannon is fluent in the language yet? She's such a smarty I figured she'll get it really fast. The baptism pool is beautiful! Thanks for sharing I can't wait the next post! Love, Susan

  4. So happy to see a post! We were thinking this is about halfway point of your trip right? Amazing assembly hall! Miss you all lots! Wondered like Susan how Rhiannon is doing with language? Mb we'll plan a trader joes trip when your back so you can get all your goodies :)

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  6. Nice to get a different perspective about the food. I wondered what was available! The outside area of the assembly hall looks beautiful. Is is under roof or also outside? Loves the posts giving info. Will look forward to pics when you all get back. Love you.

  7. Use the chicken feet in your bone broth/chicken broth or soup! It's good for ya!

  8. And I guess you are a "Snob" if you eat those olives.

  9. No matter where you go, Jehovah's places of worship are always so beautiful. Love to you guys.
